Drug Checking across Europe: a new challenge?

10th April 2013

In these two presentations, Mrs. Mireia Ventura (NEWIP – Spain)  and  Mr. Alexander Bücheli (Jugendberatung Streetwork  – Stadt Zürich – Switzerland) will showcase the experience of drug checking as an efficient method for reducing harms in recreational drug use.
Besides, the presentations will focus on different approaches of the work done in networks at a local, national as well as an European level.

Over thirty years experience of drug checking shows that this approach is an efficient and pragmatic prevention method reducing consequently harm in recreational drug use. We will discuss which types of drug checking techniques are performed in recreational settings abroad Europe and what kind of information is transmitted to drug users.
Also the experience of the implementation of the Energy Control’s Drug Checking method in Spain will be exhibited. Furthermore the TEDI (Trans European Drug Information) project will be presented. TEDI is a network of European fieldwork drug checking services that share their expertise and data within a European monitoring and information system. TEDI’s chief aim is to improve public health and intervention programs.

speaker Mireia Ventura, PhD, NEWIP TEDI manager
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Neben der Darstellung aktueller Freizeitdrogen sowie der  Präventionsangebote der Jugendberatung Streetwork, thematisiert diese Präsentation die Arbeit in Netzwerken, welche für die lokale und nationale Integration und die Weiterentwicklung der Angebote eine wichtige Voraussetzung darstellt.

Redner Alexander Bücheli, Stadt Zürich, Soziale Einrichtungen und Betriebe, Stv. Betriebsleiter Jugendberatung Streetwork – MA, Master in Community Development, FH Soziale Arbeit



location and time
10th April  from 2PM to 4PM

CePT – Salle de formation –
1er étage
8-10, rue de la Fonderie
L-1531 Luxembourg




registrations can be done by the 8th April 2013      
e-mail: info@cept.lu or phone: +352 49 77 77-1