Online media and entertainment play a vital role in the life of teenagers and parents question these habits a lot. Especially, after going to high school « parental control » over media use gets more difficult. Why is this virtual world so appealing to young people (and older ones)? When do we use too much? How do we manage the use of media in our family? What can parents do to help young people to protect themselves from the harms and dangers of the internet02/04/2025
Public cible
Webinar for parents of children from 2-10 years (EN)
Fondation KannerschlassFormateur(s)
Anouk Hinger, media specialist from CNAPA
Information and registration:
Please indicate the title and the date of the webinar you are interested in .
Howald/Hesperange, 30, rue de Gasperich, Eltereforum