CANNABIS KNOW HOW – THC, CBD & Co – What‘s the difference?


THC, CBD & Co – what’s the difference? 

A cannabis plant is the purest « chemistry kit ». It contains numerous chemical compounds that are assigned to different groups. One of the most important groups of substances are cannabinoids. There are more than 100 cannabinoids in one plant. The individual cannabinoids and the interaction between them have different properties and could potentially have other medicinal applications, however, research in this area is still ongoing. Here are some examples of the most well-known cannabinoids:

THC (Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)

  • THC (Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the most studied and most potent psychoactive compound in cannabis.
  • THC is mainly responsible for the intoxicating effects of cannabis and can induce a euphoric effect as well as relaxation and changes in thinking and perception.

– THC may also have potential medicinal uses, such as relieving pain, nausea, and muscle spasms.

Note: The female plant mainly contains the psychoactive ingredient THC. The male cannabis plant has very little, if any, THC.

CBD (Cannabidiol)

  • – CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is also commonly found in the cannabis plant.
  • – Unlike THC, CBD does not cause intoxicating effects and therefore does not have a high addictive potential.

– However, CBD has a wide range of potential medical uses, including relieving     inflammation, anxiety, and sleep disorders. It is also used to relieve pain and promote overall well-being.

CBN (Cannabinol)

– CBN is a mildly psychoactive cannabinoid, it mainly has calming and sedative effects.

– CBN is a « degradation product » of THC that is produced by oxidation, especially when cannabis is stored for long periods of time.

– CBN is often associated with improved sleep quality and relieving insomnia.

HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol)

– HHC is a cannabinoid found in some cannabis strains that is attracting increasing interest in cannabis research.

– HHC is structurally related to THC and shares some similar properties. HHC is believed to have intoxicating effects similar to those of THC.

– Because research on HHC is limited, information about potential risks and side effects is also limited. As with other cannabinoids, dosage and use should be done responsibly.

CBG (Cannabigerol)

– CBG is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that serves as a precursor to other cannabinoids such as THC and CBD.

– CBG is found in higher concentrations in young cannabis plants and decreases as the plant grows.

– CBG is said to have anti-inflammatory properties.

CBC (Cannabichromen):

– CBC is another non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in some cannabis strains.

– CBC has a calming effect.

– CBC does not have an analgesic effect itself, but it does support the analgesic effect of THC.

THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin):

– THCV is a cannabinoid found in some cannabis strains, but in smaller amounts than THC.

– It has similar chemical properties to THC, but its effects may be different. While a high dose of THCV can be intoxicating, similar to THC, a low dose of THCV can be found paralleling the properties of cannabidiol.

– THCV is believed to be able to suppress food cravings and potentially help with weight loss.


Final note: There are many more cannabinoids that are found in different concentrations and combinations in different cannabis strains. The individual effects of these cannabinoids are being intensively researched to gain a better understanding of their potential benefits and disadvantages.

Here are some more important facts:

Not all cannabis is the same!

There are many different cannabis strains that differ in their effects and also in the composition of their cannabinoids.

There are also big differences in terms of smell and taste, so there is a similar variety of cannabis as there is in cannabis. in the case of wine varieties.

Beim Cannabis gibt es vor allem zwei Hauptgruppen: Cannabis sativa und Cannabis indica.

When it comes to cannabis, there are two main groups: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica.

The effects of the indicas are generally characterized as « stoned » and with the term « body high ». Indica strains are mainly used for relaxation and stress reduction. In contrast, the effects of sativa strains are generally referred to as stimulating, « high » and with the term « head high ». Sativa strains convey a sense of well-being, creativity, or even have a psychedelic effect.

Due to new crosses of the different species and new breeds, there are constantly new varieties on the market that promise a slightly different effect. So far, such mostly subjective descriptions have not been scientifically confirmed. Rather, it is probably the composition of the different cannabinoids that plays the main role in what effects cannabis produces.

Has the THC content in cannabis increased enormously in recent years?

There seem to be a lot more highly potent cannabis products available these days, unlike in the past. One reason probably lies in the new breeding and production techniques. The THC content in cannabis plants can vary greatly (around 11-30%).

Is cannabis with a high THC content more dangerous than cannabis with a low THC content?

There is no general answer to this question. Wine is also not necessarily more dangerous than beer, all psychoactive substances depend on consumption patterns, circumstances, motivation and the total amount consumed.

You also don’t get a fatal overdose of cannabis, regardless of the THC content. However, the extent to which cannabis with a high THC content could be responsible for increased mental illness needs to be researched in more detail.

Here is a selection of more Cannabis Know How cards:

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