Cannabis – Know-How … 10 tips for using Cannabis with less risk


There is no such thing as cannabis consumption without risk!

The safest way to avoid the health risks of cannabis is not to consume cannabis. If you have decided, despite the possible risks, to use cannabis, here are 10 tips for using cannabis with less risk:

1. No cannabis under the age of 18.

The risk of addiction or other psychological and physical risks is higher the earlier you start using cannabis. The new law (July 2023) also stipulates: No cannabis under the age of 18. It is better to start consuming later in order to minimise the risks (keyword: brain development).

2. Consume only while feeling good

Cannabis can lead to pleasurable feelings and thoughts. Cannabis won’t help you solve problems in the long run, but it can make them worse. So don’t consume if you’re not feeling well.

3.No consumption during the following activities:  

Cannabis products temporarily affect your ability to remember and concentrate. Avoid to use cannabis during activities that require you to stay sober, for example:

  • Road transport
  • School/Works
  • Sport
  • – Operating machines…

Safety first!

4. Don’t use cannabis on a regular basis.

The use of cannabis can lead to addiction. Daily or frequent use of cannabis also increases health risks. Take longer breaks from consumption. You won’t know what role cannabis plays in your life until you can go without cannabis for weeks or months without any problems.

5. Carefully approach the dose

Not all cannabis is the same. The THC and CBD content in cannabis can vary greatly. In order to have the desired experience, carefully approach the dose, especially with unknown products.

6. Refrain from mixed consumption

If you want to enjoy the cannabis high to the fullest, refrain from mixed consumption. The combination of cannabis with one or more other psychoactive substances puts a lot of strain on the body and psyche. It is also not advisable to consume alcohol and cannabis at the same time/in the near future; this combination can cause nausea and vomiting, among other things. Note: When cannabis is mixed with tobacco, there is an added risk of nicotine addiction if consumed regularly.

7. Prefer lower-risk forms of consumption

To reduce respiratory risks and nicotine dependence, cannabis should not be smoked with tobacco. In general, smoking should be avoided, as well as deep inhalation or breath-holding. Lower-risk forms of cannabis consumption: vaporizing, eating, or drinking. When eating or drinking, it is essential to consider the delayed onset of action (see point 5).

8. Don’t take smoking weed so seriously

Being intoxicated is no better than being sober, just different. Make sure you have other beautiful experiences as well. And after the high, plan enough time to rest and recover and talk to trusted people about your intoxication experiences.

9. If you belong to a certain risk group, you should refrain from cannabis

Pregnant women and people with pre-existing conditions (e.g. Lung diseases, heart conditions or diseases, and people who have already had psychosis or have relatives in the family who have had psychosis before) should refrain from cannabis.

10. Get some help if you can’t control your consumption anymore.

If others ask you about it or if you notice for yourself that you have problems controlling your consumption, you should question your consumption and try to get out of it. If you can’t do it on your own, don’t hesitate to seek help. Look at the Cannabis Know How card « Where can I find help » or contact the Cannabis Hotline:

By phone: (+352) 49 7777 55, every Tuesday between 9am-1pm & between 2-5pm.

By mail:

By WhatsApp: (+352) 691 497 755

  • If you notice that a person is not feeling well after using legal or illegal drugs, you should act responsibly and take care of them. If in doubt, dial the emergency number (112) and initiate first aid measures.

Here is a selection of more Cannabis Know How cards:


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