After the workshop on March 11th & 12th, where students artistically expressed their experience during the pandemic and their perspectives for the future, we are glad to invite you to the panel discussion as the second part of the project.
The following topics will be discussed:
– How has the media coverage of the pandemic affected the well-being?
– What can health-promoting reporting in difficult times look like?
– Students of the University of Luxemburg
– Paulette Lenert, Minister of Health
– Ines Kurschat, OKAJU
– Melody Hansen, Lëtzebuerger Journal
– Michael Fink, artistic accompaniment
– Dr. André Melzer, University of Luxembourg
– Nadine Wagner, cnapa
– Moderation: Elena Bienfait, cnapa

Casino- forum d'art contemporain
41, rue Notre Dame
L-2240 Luxembourg